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Pose Estimation in Neurophysiology

Studying the inner workings of the brain requires understanding the relationship between neural activity and environmental stimuli, natural behavior, or inferred cognitive states. Pose estimation is a computer vision method to track the position, and thereby behavior, of the subject over the course of an experiment, which can then be paired with neuronal recordings to answer scientific questions about the brain.

Previous pose estimation methods required reflective markers placed on a subject, as well as multiple expensive high-frame-rate infrared cameras to triangulate position within a limited field. Recent advancements in machine learning have facilitated dramatic advancements in capturing pose data with a video camera alone. In particular, DeepLabCut (DLC) facilitates the use of pre-trained machine learning models for 2-D and 3-D non-invasive markerless pose estimation.

DeepLabCut offers the ability to continue training an exisiting object detection model to further specialize in videos in the training data set. In other words, researchers can take a well-known generalizable machine learning model and apply it to their experimental setup, making it relatively easy to produce pose estimation inferences for subsequent experimental sessions.

While some alternative tools are either species-specific (e.g., DeepFly3D) or uniquely 2D (e.g., DeepPoseKit), DLC highlights a diversity of use-cases via a Model Zoo. Even compared to tools with similar functionality (e.g., SLEAP and dannce), DLC has more users, as measured by either GitHub forks or more citations (1600 vs. 900). DLC's trajectory toward an industry standard is attributable to continued funding, extensive documentation and both creator- and peer-support. Other comparable tools include mmpose,, TREBA, B-KinD, VAME, and MARS.

Key Partnerships

Mackenzie Mathis (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) is both a lead developer of DLC and a key advisor on DataJoint open source development as a member of the Scientific Steering Committee.

DataJoint is also partnered with a number of groups who use DLC as part of broader workflows. In these collaborations, members of the DataJoint team have interviewed the scientists to understand their needs in experimental setup, pipeline design, and interfaces.

These teams include:

  • Moser Group (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) - see pipeline design
  • Mesoscale Activity Project (Janelia Research Campus/Baylor College of Medicine/New York University)
  • Hui-Chen Lu Lab (Indiana University)
  • Tobias Rose Lab (University of Bonn)
  • James Cotton Lab (Northwestern University)

Element Features

Development of the Element began with an open source repository shared by the Mathis team. We further identified common needs across our respective partnerships to offer the following features for single-camera 2D models:

  • Manage training data and configuration parameters
  • Launch model training
  • Evaluate models automatically and directly compare models
  • Manage model metadata
  • Launch inference video analysis
  • Capture pose estimation output for each session

Element Architecture

Each node in the following diagram represents the analysis code in the workflow and the corresponding tables in the database. Within the workflow, Element DeepLabCut connects to upstream Elements including Lab, Animal, and Session. For more detailed documentation on each table, see the API docs for the respective schemas.


lab schema (API docs)

Table Description
Device Camera metadata

subject schema (API docs)

  • Although not required, most choose to connect the Session table to a Subject table.
Table Description
Subject Basic information of the research subject

session schema (API docs)

Table Description
Session Unique experimental session identifier

train schema (API docs)

  • Optional tables related to model training.
Table Description
VideoSet Set of files corresponding to a training dataset.
TrainingParamSet A collection of model training parameters, represented by an index.
TrainingTask A set of tasks specifying model training methods.
ModelTraining A record of training iterations launched by TrainingTask.

model schema (API)

  • Tables related to DeepLabCut models and pose estimation. The model schema can be used without the train schema.
Table Description
VideoRecording Video(s) from one recording session, for pose estimation.
BodyPart Unique body parts (a.k.a. joints) and descriptions thereof.
Model A central table for storing unique models.
ModelEvaluation Evaluation results for each model.
PoseEstimationTask A series of pose estimation tasks to be completed. Pairings of video recordings with models to be use for pose estimation.
PoseEstimation Results of pose estimation using a given model.

Data Export and Publishing

Element DeepLabCut includes an export function that saves the outputs as a Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) file. By running a single command, the data from an experimental session is saved to a NWB file.

For more details on the export function, see the Tutorials page.

Once NWB files are generated they can be readily shared with collaborators and published on DANDI Archive. The DataJoint Elements ecosystem includes a function to upload the NWB files to DANDI (see Element Interface).

dlc_session_to_nwb(pose_key, use_element_session, session_kwargs)


Further development of this Element is community driven. Upon user requests and based on guidance from the Scientific Steering Group we will add the following features to this Element:

  • Support for multi-animal or multi-camera models
  • Tools to label training data